Thursday, December 8, 2016

My event

The two events I attended, Shakespeare and an art gallery on space, did not have anything to do with my topic so it doesn’t influence my event. To promote black lives matter, I would have a peaceful protest. For my event, my goal is to get a black live matter promoter in each state and we will get people together to support black lives matter movement. We would plan a protest in major cities on the same date and the same time. Our national protest would make the news all over the country. We would have the most peaceful protest there has been since the movement started. To new people to join the movement, I would come out with a presentation disk and distribute it to each of my promoters of each state to recruit more people to join our protest.

In my presentation, I would make sure I make a clear understanding on why black lives matter. I would make it clear that of course All Lives Matter but people need to care that black lives matter because for a very long time black lives have always been at stake. A lot of African Americans is discriminated every day. In my presentation, I will also explain on how the movement started. The Black Lives Matter movement started an organization through the Sentencing Project called Eliminating Racial Inequity in the Criminal Justice System. The Sentencing Project is a national non-profit organization engaged in research and advocacy on criminal justice issues. The Black Lives Matter movement stated the saying “Black Lives Matter” has been a cry by our citizens in the light of evidence that the criminal justice system is failing to uphold this basic truth. The criminal justice system’s high percentage of contact with people of color is a major cause of African Americans’ excessive rate of fatal police encounters. The Black Lives Matter movement encourages young African American males and females to change their generation and doing positive things. The Black Lives Matter also fight for black’s rights and to eliminate racial inequality. Police brutality have gotten out of hand and the pass is starting to repeat itself. I would explain all the people the police have done in 2015 and explain how none of the officers got charged with anything. When people say black lives matter, it is not because they're selfish, they know all lives matter. Nobody deserves to be unarmed, shot, and killed with no justice. It is because black lives need to be heard, respected, and valued like everyone else in this society. I hope the presentation will bring people together and have them understand the movement.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Baker, A., Goodman, D., & Mueller, B. (2015, June 13). Beyond the Chokehold: The Path to Eric Garner’s Death. Retrieved December 10, 2015, from
-          This source goes into details about Eric Garner’s death. New York times provided new details and a better understanding of how the police encounter began and how it ended in Eric losing his life. According to New York times, Garner’s death was the start of a succession of killings that caught Americans attention. Garner’s death did not receive any justice for his death.

Beauchamp, Z. (2014, January 16). How The Criminal Justice System Is Racializing Our Democracy. Retrieved 2015, from
-          This article was written by Zack Beauchamp. In his article he explains that the United States imprisons a higher percentage of its black population. Black men have a one-in-three chance of being incarcerated at one point in their lives and receive a sentence 20 perfect longer than whites. He goes on about the incarceration rates of blacks and how the system is not fair.

Brown, E. (2015, August 10). Timeline: Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Mo. Retrieved December 3, 2015, from
-          This source is a timeline of Michael Browns’s killing. From the time the officer responded to the call, to Michael losing his life, to the Ferguson riot, to Michael not receiving justice. It goes into details of the riot that had taken place. The county was ruined due to the citizens of Ferguson from the riot.

Michael Brown’s Shooting and Its Immediate Aftermath in Ferguson. (2015, August 25). Retrieved December 3, 2015, from
-          This source is another timeline of Michael Browns killing. From August 9, 2014 to August 25, 2014. So much happened between these two dates. It is like the source above.

Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts. (2015, February 11). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from

-          This source is from CNN and it explains the killing of Trayvon Martin and his trial. Trayvon Martin was one of the first killings that caught Americans attention because he did not receive justice. He was completely innocent and was accused of being armed due to having a black hoodie on.